The 5-min Leg Home Workout

For those of you who are constantly on the move, whether you're managing a family or excelling in your profession, I know that dedicating time to workout can be a challenge, especially when you're at home. That's why I'm thrilled to introduce a series of incredibly straightforward home workout routines that require minimal to no equipment.

Here's the simple breakdown:

  1. Set up your workout space.

  2. Use a 30-second timer.

  3. Complete exercises 1 through 5 in a continuous circuit, giving each exercise 30 seconds.

  4. Transition to the next exercise as the timer goes off.

  5. After completing one full circuit, feel free to take a short breather if needed.

  6. Finish two rounds, and your quick 5-minute workout is complete!

Thisl routine is designed to give you a strong foundation in working out your core and abs from the comfort of your home. Whether you're a busy parent managing a packed schedule or a dedicated professional, these streamlined routines are tailored to seamlessly fit into your busy lifestyle.

Exercise 1: Glute Bridge OR Single Leg Glute Bridge

Exercise 2: Alternating Lunges

Exercise 3: Band or Bodyweight Squat

Exercise 4: Step Ups

Exercise 5: Pulse Squats


The 5-Minute Mobility Home Workout


Exercise Ideas for Training at Home (or the Gym)