Better than any other personal training…
Personalised fitness and nutrition programming so you can become STRONG for life!
Results Guaranteed!*
You’ve only got one body, and one life to live. But if your body doesn’t have the strength, resilience, flexibility, and fuel it needs to succeed, your dreams will stay dreams, not reality.
You need your body to be ready for action, to take on life’s challenges, to realize your true potential, and to make a positive example for the ones you love and those who rely on you.
But how do you get from where you are now, to where you (and your body) need to be in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, or even 50 years from now?
The internet will give you plenty of ideas. There are a million hacks, a thousand trends, and more diet and exercise fads than you can shake a stick at.
You don’t need a hack to get healthy: you need a coach.
And you need a plan that works.
The hard truth about weight loss? 80% of people gain the weight back after they lose it.
And it’s easy to see why!
Modern life is full of 🍔 cheap and easy convenience foods, 🚗 more time in cars than walking, 🧑💻 more sedentary work than ever before, and 🎮 even more sedentary hobbies!
👉👉👉 Add the demands of a career, a spouse, and some children into the mix, and it’s no wonder that making time for your strength and wellness tends to fall to the bottom of the 📋 to-do list.
Making a lasting change for the better can be very, very hard to do on your own.
If you…
🟢 Want to take your health seriously, but struggle to find the time in your busy life
🟢 Tried to work on your diet and exercise in the past, but didn’t see the results you wanted
🟢 Paid for traditional personal training in the past, but PT didn’t work well for you
🟢 Find it hard to stay motivated to keep up with your goals
🟢 Desire a future with less pain, more movement, and more freedom
🟢 Have been discouraged by the lack of progress in the past
🟢 Are beginning to lose hope that you could ever look and feel the way that you want to
Then you need Strong for Life Online Coaching!
Strong for Life Online Coaching is a premium personal training experience delivered online to catapult your results and make lasting change in your health – we guarantee it!
Strong for Life Online Coaching includes…
A custom app for coaching – available on mobile devices and on desktop browsers to receive your workouts, communicate with your coach, and track your metrics
Weekly check ins to track your progress – with a video response and feedback from your coach
LIVE Office Hours with head coach, Coach Josh – this is time to drop in to chat with the mustache himself!
Personalized workout plans – with video tutorials for form and movement history to see you improvement with each workout
Check off your good habits – add extra food and fitness goals to mark off each week, like your daily walk, hydration and protein targets, or a local fitness class
Fitness metric tracking – record everything from measurements to sleep to mood over time
Nutrition education and programming – make food journaling and tracking your macros easier with your coach’s help
Exclusive resources and affiliate discounts – and SFL clients get one clothing merch item FREE when you sign up!
Results guaranteed!
Strong for Life
Weight Loss Guarantee
If weight loss is your focus, we guarantee at least 4 kg (8.8 lbs) weight loss within 12 weeks of training. Or we will keep training you for free until it happens!
Book a FREE no-cost, no-contract strategy call with Coach Josh and ask about the SFL Weight Loss Guarantee — and how we can guarantee your success!
If other methods have failed you in the past, let Strong for Life Online Coaching finally help you realize your potential!
Let’s be honest: you probably know essentially what to do to improve your health.
Say it with me, “diet and exercise.”
But if you know what to do…
… why aren’t you doing it?
Because your training program kinda sucked and you’re not a very good coach.
👉 One part of getting healthy is making a plan.
👉 The other part is following through.
Here are most common types of people who try to coach themselves (and why they don’t work):
The Internet Hunter-Gatherer: this person searches high and low for the optimal workout program, the perfect meal plan, the best hacks for health – but they never implement
The Group Class Dropout: this person paid for some group classes – but they rarely attend
The Old Habits Die-Hard: this person probably was fit in high school, and insists that their old programming still works – but shockingly they can’t do what they did at 18
The YouTube Workout Addict: this person has a lot of YouTube video playlists, DVDs, or even VHSes to workout with – but they aren’t seeing improvement anymore
The Wallflower: this person shows up to a group class – but manages to avoid getting teacher feedback by clinging to the wall
The “How Hard Could it Be?” Guy: this person thinks that practicing form is so obvious, they don’t need it – but they are about to blow out their back on those deadlifts
The Inspired Trend Seeker: this person loves to try something new – but never sticks with anything long enough to see improvement
The Perpetual Plateauer: this person believes they will “get there eventually” – but has no idea how to improve their gains
The Same Old Routine Follower: this person has their set routine and they follow it faithfully – but they never try anything new to challenge themselves
The “Everything’s Great Except My Weight” Tire Kicker: this person insists that their diet and workouts are great – but they somehow still have 20kg to lose
The No Time To Exercise Phone Scroller: this person insists that they have no time to work out or eat better – but they have plenty of time to kill on social media or elsewhere
The Never-Will-I-Ever Set Foot in a Gym-er: this person may have had a bad experience in the past, or has a fear about going to a traditional gym – but isn’t working out at home, either
The Crash Diet Weight Cutter: this person once ran on a treadmill in a garbage bag to lose weight – and they still think that they can crash diet their way to their goal weight
The biggest problem that DIYers face is: accountability.
Without a coach looking over your shoulder, giving form corrections, recommending new exercises, and knowing whether you did your workout or not, you will always struggle to see improvements.
No one can coach themselves effectively.
For decades, the only option for coaching has been to hire a personal trainer at a gym.
If you have the resources and the time to commit to in-person personal training, go for it.
But in-person fitness coaching can be:
❌ Too expensive per session (so you can only go a few times a month)
❌ Limited to a specific gym (which probably also requires a membership)
❌ Only available AT the gym (since PTs don’t make house calls!)
❌ Difficult to schedule (because the PT sets the availability)
❌ Hard to fit into a busy life (because it’s more time away to go to a session in-person)
❌ A bad fit if you and the available PT don’t get along (and hard to find someone else locally)
❌ For workouts only and not cover diet and lifestyle (which means it won’t work long-term)
As more and more people are discovering when they start their fitness journey,
the traditional model for personal training is dead.
It’s obsolete, expensive, and it doesn’t work for almost anyone.
You’re a busy parent, a hardworking professional, and you don’t have time to waste.
You need a coach who fits YOUR schedule.
Not the other way around.
That’s why I created Strong for Life Online Coaching!
Hey there! I’m Coach Josh, the head coach at Strong for Life Online Coaching.
After 15 years experience as a competitive strength and combat athlete, personal trainer and coach, I realized that I could help so many more people by bringing all my PT knowledge online.
I wanted to make premium personal training available to everyone, everywhere, at any time.
Now, I’ve helped thousands of clients increase their strength, achieve their health and fitness goals, and make the changes that they need to become strong for life.
But don’t ask me. Ask our clients!
Meet Dave
Dave was training with Coach Josh from the days before the team came to be. The systems were good back then, but today they’re even better!
Check out his first-hand account of how online training can be your new best friend.
Ready to create the future you want?
Success Stories
Meet Your Coaches
Welcome to Strong for Life Online Coaching.
Strong for Life Online Coaching is a premium personal training experience delivered online to catapult your results and make lasting change in your health – we guarantee it!
Strong for Life Online Coaching includes…
A custom mobile and desktop app for coaching
Weekly check ins to track your progress
LIVE Office Hours with your coach
Personalized workout plans with video tutorials and coaching direction
Check off your good habits along your journey
Fitness metric tracking to help you see your progress
Nutrition education and programming
Exclusive resources and affiliate discounts
Results guaranteed!
Get started today!
Ready to take charge of your fitness journey?
Join the notification list for Men’s Online Fitness Coaching and be the first to know when spots open up! Get expert guidance tailored to your goals, a training plan that fits your busy schedule, and the tools you need to build lasting strength and confidence. Don’t miss out—drop your name and email below to secure your spot on the list today!
If weight loss is your focus, we guarantee at least 4kg (8.8lbs) weight loss within 12-weeks or we keep training you for free until it happens!
If you follow your plan and don't see the results, then your will receive free coaching until we get you there.Requirements:
1 - You must record weight and any measurements set out by your coach at a minimum of once a week.
2 - 90% completion of training program
3 - Fill out food journal and/or track using the methods set out by your coach, calorie and macro targets are required
4 - If not losing .5kg/1lbs per week reach out to a coach for help
Your strategy session is held via Google Meet or Zoom.
All your lifestyle, training, and nutrition programming is delivered through a dedicated app! That way you have everything you need in one spot, in your pocket.
The app is also how you will be in daily contact with your coach. -
Not only are you in daily contact with your coach, you have a weekly check-in, and a group coaching call!
You can definitely put in a preference! Coach Josh trains and overseas all the coaches, but the individual coach determines how many clients the can work with. Spaces are always limited.
No worries! About half of our clients train from home using simple and affordable equipment (like resistance bands). We can program and work with whatever you have available.
If you want to start building a home gym, we are happy to help you do that too!
Nutrition and exercise are two sides of the same coin, and we can definitely help you there!
We use a number of systems to dial in your food choices, but we always focus on whole foods and sustainable habits.
For all packages, after the initial commitment your membership will automatically convert to the discounted ongoing client rate $99 charged weekly.