The 5-Minute Mobility Home Workout

For those of you leading busy lives, whether as parents juggling family responsibilities or professionals on the go, finding time for a comprehensive workout can be a challenge, especially from the comfort of your home. That's why I'm excited to introduce this convenient and effective home mobility workout that requires minimal equipment.

Here's the simple breakdown:

  1. Set up a comfortable workout area.

  2. Use a 30-second timer.

  3. Cycle through exercises 1 to 5 for 30 seconds each.

  4. Transition smoothly to the next exercise at the timer's signal.

  5. After completing one round, take a brief break if necessary.

  6. Complete two rounds, and your quick 5-minute mobility workout is accomplished!

This routine is aimed at improving your overall mobility right from the comfort of your home. Whether you're managing a busy household or tackling professional challenges, these carefully curated routines are designed to seamlessly integrate into your demanding schedule.

Exercise 1: Hip Opener

Exercise 2: Russian Baby Maker

Exercise 3: 90/90 Stretch

Exercise 4: Shoulder Dislocations

Exercise 5: Dead Hang


The 5-min Core Stability Home Workout (Level 2)


The 5-min Leg Home Workout