The 5-min Core Home Workout

For all you busy parents and professionals out there, I understand how challenging it can be to fit in effective workouts, especially when training at home.

That's why I'm excited to introduce some incredibly simple home workout routines that require minimal to no equipment.

Here’s the process:

  1. Prepare your workout area.

  2. Set a timer for 30-second intervals.

  3. Complete exercises 1 to 5 in sequence, dedicating 30 seconds to each.

  4. When the timer signals, transition to the next exercise.

  5. After one full round, feel free to take a short break if needed.

  6. After completing two cycles, your 5-minute workout is a wrap!

This workout is designed to help you grasp how to effectively engage your abs and core during home training sessions. Whether you're a busy parent juggling responsibilities or a professional pressed for time, these streamlined routines aim to make fitness a seamless part of your routine.

Exercise 1: Plank

Do these from your hands for an easier variation.

Exercise 2: Bird Dog

Exercise 3: Hollow Hold

Exercise 4: Dead Bug

Exercise 5: Winscreen Wipers

Hold on to a couch or table. Bend knees to make it easier.


Exercise Ideas for Training at Home (or the Gym)


F*ck Burpees