How to Make a Mace (Gada)

Head HERE if you don’t know anything about mace training.

As mace training becomes more popular and flashy on social media, it’s important to keep in mind how minimalistic this style of training can be.

You don’t need some fancy expensive steel mace shipped from across the world. You don’t need to learn how to dance and do mace flow.

The beauty in this training method is in how SIMPLE it can be.

You just need a heavy stick.

The most foundational tool for this style of training is called a ‘gada’ which is the traditional Indian and Persian style of mace. It’s a stick with a big rock on the end. And, it turns out, you can make them for under $20.

Below is one of my most popular YouTube videos. It’s just over 3-minutes long and shows you the process I use to make homemade gada.

Once you have a mace, you’ll have to learn to swing it!

Stay tuned, in May I will be launching the Beginner Steel Mace Course in The SFL Members Vault.

In the meantime, you can catch some basic lessons here, or find a coach here.


What it Takes to Do a TEDx Talk


Swing the Heavy Stick