What it Takes to Do a TEDx Talk

Coach Josh Wood speaking at TEDx Hobart at the Odeon Theatre

What is there to say about TEDxHobart?

What an event! What a team! What a crowd!

It's hard for me to find the words to say what hasn't already been said about the event.

So, let me just talk a bit about my experience.

Spending six months preparing for a 15min talk is a wild concept. From applying in November 2023, to being short-listed, to getting accepted, meeting the team, getting direction, script writing, revising, practicing, revising, timing, revising, rehearsal, and getting on stage; it was an ever accelerating avalanche.

I went into this with my topic "How to Eat Like an Adult." It's a topic that I have been working with for years. It's one I am very familiar with. Although, this time I had to rework it and condense it to the essential diamonds - the compressed, refined, and solidified core of the issue.

Once I decided on my angle, I had to get comfortable with one fact: I'm going to ruffle feathers and make people uncomfortable.

Why? Because we have a worldwide problem with our relationship to food and a childhood obesity epidemic and who is at fault? Parents and role-models. If we don't have a health relationship with food, how are our children supposed to?

I went in there to call people out.

But, that's not enough. You can’t just criticize without providing a solution - that's just complaining. So, I crafted a set of six habits to help everyone listening create a healthier relationship with food in hopes that they will use them and provide an example for the next generation.

Did it work? I don't know. Did people throw rotten vegetables at me? Not that I remember. In fact, I got some chuckles, back pats, and thought provoking questions during the intermissions.

I want to think that the mission was a success, but only time will tell.

When the official TEDx videos are up on the YouTube channel, I will share them and you can help me decide.

By the way, I did a short podcast about the mental side and preparation that went into this talk as well.


How to Eat Like an Adult


How to Make a Mace (Gada)