Six Habits to Eat Like an Adult

I'm thrilled to announce the release of my TEDx talk, "Six Steps to Eat Like an Adult"! After months of preparation, refining my message, and embracing the challenge, it's finally here.

What an event TEDxHobart was! The team, the audience, the energy - simply unforgettable.

It's tough to express what hasn't already been said about such an incredible event, so let me share my personal journey.

Six months of preparation for a 15-minute talk sounds wild, right? From applying in November 2023 to being shortlisted, accepted, meeting the team, receiving direction, writing, revising, practicing, timing, rehearsing, and finally stepping on stage, it felt like an exhilarating, ever-accelerating avalanche ending in one of those cool ski skids.

I tackled the topic "How to Eat Like an Adult," something I’ve been passionate about for years. This time, I had to distill it into the essential nuggets of wisdom - the core, refined and solidified.

I embraced the reality that my message might ruffle some feathers and make people uncomfortable.

Why? Because we have a global issue with our relationship to food and a growing childhood obesity crisis. And who's responsible? Parents and role models. If we don't cultivate a healthy relationship with food, how can we expect our children to?

I aimed to challenge and provoke thought.

But criticism without a solution is just complaining. So, I developed six actionable habits to help everyone build a healthier relationship with food, hoping they’d become examples for the next generation.

Did it resonate? I hope so. Did I get hit with rotten tomatoes? Thankfully, no. In fact, I received chuckles, pats on the back, and interesting questions during the intermissions.

I’d like to think the mission was a success, but only time will tell.
Catch the full TEDx talk here: Six Steps to Eat Like an Adult

A huge thank you to everyone at TEDxHobart! The team was phenomenal, and the speakers and performers were fantastic. This experience taught me so much.


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