5 Essential Health Tips for Busy Parents (and Professionals)

When you’re always short on time, the most important thing you can do is prioritise!

The thing is, we really can’t do everything. Still, we need to make sure we’re looking after our health so that we can continue to do the things we love to do, as long as we love doing them.

To help with this, here are my top health priorities for all you busy people.

  1. Walk

    Walking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Even just adding 10-min walks around each meal will add hours of activity to your week!

  2. Best workout is the one you do

    Stop worrying about the ‘perfect’ workout. Just do one. The best workout is the one that you can do consistently, and this usually means it’s the one you enjoy the most.

  3. Eat your protein

    Almost everyone I have worked with eats too little protein. If in doubt, eat more protein. Want to know exactly how much to eat, check out my article here: How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

  4. Know your ‘why’

    Your ‘why’ is the reason you do what you do. It’s the underpinning power that gives you the strength to keep going when life is tough. So, if you really want to get the essentials done, make sure you know WHY you are doing them.

  5. Sleep - take naps

    You’re an adult, take a nap.

    If you’re like all the other parents and professionals I know, you are always tired. Do you know the secret to being less tired? Sleep. Make sure you are prioritising sleep, and yes, this includes taking naps.


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