Hobart’s Annual Grip Strength Competition

Hobart Hoist

The Hobart Hoist is Hobart’s 4th annual grip strength competition, sanctioned by Grip Sport International.

Come along and try your hand!

Save the date! Feb 15th, 2025 at Raw Strength, Hobart Tasmania

Check out these highlights from previous events:



Book your spot using the early bird code by Feb 1st and save $20 on your entry.


Events and Winner Categories

Wrist Wrench

Andrew’s Axle Bar Deadlift

Hub Lift


  • Highest Total

  • Pound-for-pound

  • Highest Wrist Wrench

Winner Categories


  • Highest Total

  • Pound-for-pound

  • Highest Wrist Wrench

Rule and Regulations

General Rules for All Events

Chalk: Regular chalk is permitted. No liquid chalk or tacky substances allowed.

Time Limit: Maximum of 60 seconds per attempt (adjusted to 30 seconds if more than 10 participants are present).

  • If the lift is in progress when time elapses, the lifter may complete the lift.

    Lift Completion: All lifts must be lowered under control with the hand grasping the apparatus throughout.

Weigh-ins: 8am-10am at Raw Strength, Feb 15th 2025 112 Risdon Rd, Moonah TAS 7010

Belts: Lifting belts are allowed and may be of rubber, nylon, or leather.

Wrist Wrap/Straps: Wrist wraps/straps/bands of any kind are not allowed.

Elbow Sleeves: Non-adjustable elbow sleeves are allowed.

Knee Sleeves: Knee sleeves and/or braces are allowed.

Wraps/Bandages: Contingent upon prior approval by the Referee, medical tape may be applied to bodily injuries in a fashion that would not grant the lifter an undue advantage. No finger tape except for gripper events and open wounds.


Wrist Wrench Diameter: 2 ⅜ inches / 60mm

Lift Height: 6 inches.


Only the handle may be grasped, with fingers on one side and thumb opposing.

Prohibited Grips: Thumbless grip or hook grip.

The handle must be rolled down before the attempt so the straps touch their attachment points.

Lifting Rules:

Handle must be grasped approximately level and centered, with straps hanging on the thumb side.

Elbow and wrist must not fall below the knuckles (where fingers meet the palm) during the lift.

The handle cannot twist so far that it touches the forearm.

Lift until the crossguard touches the crossbar.

Lower the weight under control. If the crossguard does not touch the crossbar, it must at least cross the plane.

No referee signal is required to complete the lift.

Prohibited Actions:

Bracing the lifting hand/arm on the thigh or apparatus.

Contacting the apparatus with the off-hand. The off-hand may rest on the hip, leg, or remain out to the side.

Wrist Wrench Rules

Andrew’s Axle Rules


Axel Diameter: 2 ⅜ inches / 60mm

Grip: Double-overhand grip only.

Lifting Rules:

No straps allowed.

Any stance is permissible, but hands must be in front of your body.

Knees and Hips need to be locked out at the top, but shoulders do not need to be behind the bar—there’s no requirement to hold at the top; the lift simply needs to go up and then be lowered.

Hub Lift Rules


Hub Diameter: 3 inches /76mm


Begin with all five fingertips of the lifting hand touching the plate at the base of the Hub.

Fingers may rotate slightly during the lift, but gripping the Hub like a doorknob is not allowed.

The Hub must remain approximately parallel to the ground throughout the lift.

Lifting Rules:

The Hub must be lifted until the crossguard touches the crossbar.

Lower the weight under control. If the crossguard does not touch the crossbar, it must at least cross the plane.

The hand or Hub may not touch the body during the lift. Dragging against the leg results in an immediate "No lift."

Prohibited Actions:

Bracing the lifting hand/arm on the thigh or apparatus.

Contacting the apparatus with the off-hand. The off-hand may rest on the hip, leg, or remain out to the side.

Additional Notes

  • The competition is held at venue discretion, so slight adjustments to rules or time limits may apply.

  • Referees have discretion to judge lift validity (e.g., height, technique).

For further details or clarifications, reach out to event organizers. Good luck to all competitors!


Percentage-Based Scoring

  • The top lifter in each event earns 1 point.

  • Scores for other participants are calculated as a percentage of the top lifter’s performance.

  • The lifter with the highest total score across all events wins.

Pound for Pound: 

  • Score is calculated as weight/bodyweight.

Lifter Event A Weight Event B Weight Event C Weight Total Score
Isaac 80kg (1.0) 100kg (0.91) 20kg (1.0) 2.91
Josh 75kg (0.94) 110kg (1.0) 15kg (0.75) 2.69
Henry 80kg (1.0) 105kg (0.95) 18kg (0.90) 2.85

Example Scoring:

Grip Strength Education and Resources

Grip Sport Associations


Video Resources